ldor is a programming language with
an expressive type system well-suited
for mathematical computing and which has been used to develop a number of
computer algebra libraries. Originally known as A#, Aldor was conceived
as an extension language for the Axiom system, but is now used more in
other settings.
In Aldor, types and functions are first class values that can be constructed
and manipulated within programs. Pervasive support for dependent types allows
static checking of dynamic objects. What does this mean for a normal user?
Aldor solves many difficulties encountered in widely-used object-oriented
programming languages. It allows programs to use a natural style, combining
the more attractive and powerful properties of functional, object-oriented
and aspect-oriented styles.
This site is a portal to the Aldor community.
It provides information about the Aldor programming language,
its compiler and libraries, downloads for software and documentation,
a community Wiki and bug tracking tools. |